Domain Whois
Check the public data of any domain already registered
What is a Whois for?
You can obtain the following information about the domain in question.
- Domain Owner: Who has registered the domain.
- Contact Information: Contact details of the owner, although this may be hidden for privacy in some cases.
- Registration and Expiration Date: When the domain was registered and when it expires.
- Name Servers (DNS): The servers that translate Internet addresses (URLOs) into IP addresses.
- Domain Status: If it is active, suspended, etc.

Why Entorno?

The largest range of domains
We are authorized registrars by ICANN, Esnic, Eurid, Fundacihn puntCAT, AFNIC, etc.
- More than 1000 domain extensions, gTLD (Generic: .com, net, org..O, nGTLD (.app, online, blog. club...,
- More than 300 territorial extensions (ccTLD's)
- Whois Protection

24/7/365 Monitoring
We are always at your side to help you with everything you need. Contact us by phone, chat or email.
Your account will have a manager assigned to you who will be in charge of advising you and making the best recommendations for your business and security.

Being protected from any threat is the most important thing online and we offer the same for your name and domain.
- Registration in real time. Connections with the registries are in real time.
- Anywhere and at any time 24x7
- Departures of new nTLD domains, Sunrise Phases, Landrush, Early Access Program, GoLive...

Why make a Whois?
It is useful for various purposes:
- Check the availability of a domain.
- Know how old a website is.
- Contact the owners of a domain for legal or commercial issues.
- Simply curious to know who is behind a website.
Why don't I see some of this data?
Privacy and Data Protection
Many domain registrars like Entorno offer privacy services that hide the domain owner's personal information (link to trademark protection) in the WHOIS results. This is especially common after the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR in Europe, which increased the protection of personal data.
Legal or Regulatory Restrictions
Depending on the jurisdiction, there may be laws that limit the amount of information that can be made public through WHOIS queries.
WHOIS Service Configuration
Some WHOIS services may have limitations on the amount of information they display or may require additional steps (such as CAPTCHA verifications) to access full information.
Protect your online identity from Whois searches now
We help you hide your data online so that the data with which you registered the domain cannot be accessed.