Trademark Clearinghouse

The leading official mechanism for trademark protection on the Internet

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Trademark Clearinghouse

Advanced protection for Registered Trademarks on the internet

In the digital age, where brand identity is as crucial as its physical presence, effective trademark protection becomes a priority. At Entorno Digital, we understand this need and offer our specialized service through the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH), a global database designed to safeguard your brands in the vast world of new gTLDs (generic Top Level Domains).

The TMCH is more than a simple database: it is a dynamic shield against usurpation and misuse of your brand on the internet. By registering your trademark with the TMCH, you not only benefit from receiving real-time alerts when third parties attempt to register a domain that matches your trademark, but you also get the opportunity to block these registrations and take proactive actions to protect your digital assets.

For Intellectual Property registrars, this service is essential. It is not only about defending a brand, but also about maintaining the integrity and reputation of your business in cyberspace. By registering your trademark in the TMCH, you will be able to request the corresponding domain during the Sunrise phases of the new gTLDs, without having to go through a validation process for each new extension. To be eligible to register domains with Sunrise, you have to demonstrate the use of said brand (for example, through labels, packaging, marketing campaigns...).

At Entorno Digital, we not only help you incorporate your brands into the TMCH, but we also efficiently manage the registration and monitoring process. Our team of experts is here to ensure your brand receives the maximum protection possible, allowing you to focus on growing and thriving in the digital marketplace. With us, the security of your brand is in reliable and expert hands.

Trademark Clearinghouse

Do you manage several brands?

Register them in the TMCH and take advantage of our volume discounts. At Entorno Digital, we simplify the process so you can focus on what really matters: the growth and protection of your brand assets. Contact us and discover how we can help you optimize your trademark registration strategy.


Services included

Sunrise is a registration period that is offered for a limited time to brand owners, to be able to obtain the domain that matches their brand, before opening to the general public. The Sunrise period is mandatory for all gTLDs and having the trademark registered and validated in the Trademark Clearinghouse TMCH is the essential requirement to be able to register a domain in Sunrise.

The TMCH alert system is a notification service to inform trademark owners of possible infringements. In practice, a domain applicant will see a notice warning her that she is attempting to register a domain that matches a trademark registered with TMCH. If despite the notice, the applicant continues with the registration, a notification is sent to the trademark owner, so that he can take the measures he believes necessary to protect his intellectual property rights.

Services included in the rate
  • Registration of brand data
  • Brand verification
  • Sunrise Services
  • Notice of registration of a domain identical to your brand, by a third party, while you have it registered in the Trademark Clearinghouse
Services included in the rate

Our Trademark Surveillance service expands the coverage compared to that of the Trademark Clearinghouse:

  • Notify when a domain that is the same or contains your brand is registered.
  • Operational for .com, .net, .es, and new gTLD domains.

Trademark Clearinghouse FAQ

  • What is the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH)?

    The TMCH is a global database that protects trademarks in the digital environment, especially in the new generic top-level domains (gTLDs). It acts as a shield against the misuse of your brand on the internet.

  • What are the benefits of registering my trademark with the TMCH?

    Registering your trademark with the TMCH gives you two main advantages:

    1. Real-time alerts: You will receive notifications if someone tries to register a domain that matches your trademark.
    2. Priority registration: During the "Sunrise" period of the new gTLDs, you can register the domain corresponding to your trademark without the need for additional validation.
  • What is the "Sunrise" period?

    Sunrise is a limited period of time during which TMCH trademark holders are given priority to register domains that match their trademark, before they are made available to the general public.

  • What is the TMCH Alert System?

    It is a service that notifies trademark holders of potential infringements. If someone tries to register a domain that matches your trademark, they will be warned about your TMCH registration. If they still proceed, you will receive a notification so you can take action.

  • What services does the TMCH registration fee include?

    The fee includes:

    • Registration and verification of your trademark data.
    • Access to the Sunrise period for new gTLDs.
    • Notifications of attempted registration of domains identical to your trademark.
  • What is the difference between the TMCH alert service and the Trademark Watch service?

    The Trademark Watch service offers broader coverage than the TMCH alert system:

    • It notifies you if a domain is registered that is the same as or contains your trademark.
    • It covers .com, .net, .es, domains and new gTLDs.
  • Is it mandatory to register my trademark with the TMCH?

    It is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended if you want to protect your trademark on the Internet. The TMCH provides you with tools to prevent cybersquatting and secure your online presence.

  • How can I register my trademark with the TMCH?

    Entorno Digital helps you register your trademark with the TMCH and manage the entire process efficiently. Contact us for more information and discover how we can help you protect your brand in the digital world.

Contact us for more information

Contact us to strengthen the protection of your brand and ensure your digital identity. With our experience and tailored services, the safety of your brand is our priority